It's almost a new year, and I am bored. It's not that I don't have anything to do, it's that I just have SO much to do before I feel like I can enjoy anything I WANT to do.
I guess it would help if I gave you a little background. I drive a school bus. It's really the best job ever. Not one bit of stress. A lot of the old timers around the bus lot act like it's stressful, but to me its a cakewalk compared to some of the other jobs I have held. I am not one of those old crazies that you picture driving a bus. I am a 33 year old mother of 3 or 4 or 5 or maybe even 6 depending on how you count. I have given birth to 3 children, an 11 year old boy, a 3 year old boy, and a 1 year old girl. But the household doesn't stop there, my 12 year old step son lives with us full time, and I have a 36 year old man-child that thinks he's the king of the roost. (If you are reading this honey, you ARE the king!) but really he acts as bad as one of the kids when he's sick.... Luckily, that's not too often. In addition all of those people, I have a 14 year old step daughter that we just found out about 3 months ago. Luckily she lives with her mom because we are bursting at the seams here.
We are currently renting a 2 bedroom house that is 855sq ft. NO BASEMENT. We are crammed in here like sardines, or as some of my fellow scout moms put it... I am the little young lady who lived in a shoe.... I have so many children I didn't know what to do.
Oh Yeah, that's right, I forgot to mention that on top of the kiddos I drive for work, and the 800 kids I have at home, I am a den leader who is getting suckered into being the assistant committee chair for our cub scout pack. Nothing like a full schedule, HUH?
So back to what I was saying. I am sick of being disorganized. I am tired of feeling trapped in my house (because of the sheer volume of kids and kid stuff). For years I have been clipping newspapers and saving them in folders for each season/holiday. Then out of nowhere
PINTEREST appeared. It was like what I was doing with my tons of magazine clippings and computer bookmarks but online in a wonderful Cloud type of storage. I was in love. I pinned away just as I had bookmarked and clipped and saved stuff for a rainy day when I had time.
Its like that saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions... I had tons of ideas and good intentions to do it right.... next year. And I realized I am just a hoarder. A hoarder of good intentions, plans and ideas that never come to fruition.
I know I can't keep hoarding, and I am not getting any younger, and neither are my kids. What good is saving the best or the good stuff for NEXT TIME if next time never comes. All the plans and lists don't count for squat if I don't do anything with them. So these are the days of my life and I am gonna use them the way I have always dreamed.
- I am going to get this house organized (following FLYLADY's system) instead of just reading her website and thinking that I should remember it for later.
- I am going to actually DO some of those crafts and things I have pinned on Pinterest.
- When people ask about my hobbies, and I tell them scrapbooking, I am going to have scrapbooks to show for it instead of a shelf full of scrapbook supplies gathering dust.
- I am going to spend more time doing memory making stuff with my kids, and I am going to plan it so that it isn't a hectic free for all like it usually is.
- I am going to decorate the house like I always wanted a house decorated instead of waiting until I have a house that I LOVE. I am here now and I should enjoy it.
- And if all else goes well, I am going to loose weight and stop smoking too. (well maybe not, but resolutions are made to be broken!)
So that's it in a little more than a nutshell. This will be a blog of my goals, trials, tribulations, good intentions, and failures, with a bit of creative ideas and ramblings thrown in for good measure. Its out there for the world to see, and maybe with people looking over my shoulder I will actually feel like I should stick to it....
wish me luck.