Monday, December 31, 2012

It's New Years Eve!

The kids celebrating New Years!
I got the food made--- it's just munchies for the kids.  Like a dinner made up of all appetizers.  I have cocktail weenies, pizza, sub sandwiches, crab dip, hotwings, salami, cheese, olives, chips and dip (3 kinds!). All the food is out for everyone to graze on.  I still need to get out the party supply kit I got from one of my favorite stores 5 Below!  It has hats, blowers and lei's for 10 people and it only cost me $5!  I love a deal.
All this was from my 5 Below kit!  It was a party for 10 for only $5.

I am already looking at the things I need to do tomorrow.  I am going to start doing the Flylady baby steps and start with shining my sink tomorrow.  I also want to try to do a pin from pinterest at least every week.  But I haven't decided on which one.... And I want to work on my scrapbooking finally.  But I know I will start with the page kits, so that is the easy part.  And thank goodness I have a while before Valentines Day.

But I am gonna get started on the party with the kids for right now, so Happy New Year!  And I hope 2013 brings all you ever wanted and dreamed of!

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