Monday, March 3, 2014

Its Ghetto Rich time (or income tax return time for the not as poor as me crowd)

It's that time of year again, or really its slightly past that time of year, Income Tax Time!  

Now the above picture really is about how things are at our house... we look forward to having some bit of 'extra' cash for things that we are sick of doing without during the year.  Hell, this year will be the first year we don't HAVE to buy a new car because our old one was completly junked (as in not running and too expensive to fix).  So the day dreaming began back in January.  We plotted and schemed, and thought about all the things we were gonna do with the money.  Having 4 kids really pays off during tax time.  We figured we would be getting around 8,000 back.  
Our thoughts of being 'hood rich' were definetly scaled back from our younger years.  We wanted to pay off the bills, use some for first/last and security deposit on a larger rental, sign the oldest up for football, and the youngest boy up for soccer.  We wanted to have a real birthday party with guests and goody bags for the 2 youngest kids, and stick some away for the summer when I am not really working.

We checked the mailbox non stop for my W2's.  When we got them we filed that day.  We started stalking the bank account and the IRS Where's My Refund site.  Then it came... all 7500.00 worth.  We though okay we can work with this.. this is our refund minus the hubby's past due child support debt of 700, and my state tax debt of 400.  

Then shit got real.  We realized that we are adults and we had to do something responsible with the money.  We began paying the bills.  Okay, I lied.  I let the money sit for a week so I could oogle at it in the bank account.  I knew I had to pay off our back bills but I was sad that we would have no fun with the money. And one day after tons of crabbing from my husband.  I did it.  I paid the bills.  It sucked.

1500 to the gas company, 250 to the water company, 950 to the electric company, 400 to the phone/internet/cable company, 200 to pay off the credit card, 100 for the dues at the Elks Lodge, 150 for the PSR classes my 2 oldest take every monday, another 225 to pay off my aunt for the money we borrowed to have the gas turned back on.  We were really close to broke! 

Then it happened.  A chance to splurge.  My husband found a Harley Davidson for sale.  And now we are 3000 more poor and the proud owners of a 75 IronHead.  I can't lie, I told him to do it.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  He has wanted one for years, and I couldn't fathom us ever finding one that he will be able to afford ever again.  I made him do it.  And although I do regret it a bit (it needs some work), I think it was a good choice.  Jason needed a project.  He needed a hobby.  A little slice of Heaven in our otherwise dismal lives.  Besides, I got to get TacoBell instead of cooking, so we both got our reward.  

At least the bills are caught up.

An Unexpected Snow Day brings a bit of organization...

Today was an Unexpected Snow Day.  This makes me a little sad since no work equals no pay, but also a little relieved.  You see, yesterday I started a HUGE project of backing up all of my photos and music.  Which led to the even bigger task of reformatting the computer.  But first I had to back everything from 3 portable hard drives up, then make sure I had everything on the computer, then reformat the hard drives and re copy the data on to them.  But that was a task in and of itself.  I have 87 gigs of pictures... 10 gigs of get the idea... and the portable hard drives are 500g, 100g, and 20g... shouldn't be a problem... until I find out that the 500g hard drive needs a firmware update... and you have to have your data backed up.  So I started over.  Now my pictures and documents are on the 100g drive, and the 20g drive is full of downloads, videos, and music.

Now I will do the firmware update to my 500g Western Digital Passport drive. And backup the computer to it once it is done... then reformat the computer... and put the data from the two smaller drives back on the computer, then retrieve the backup from the Passport drive and make sure that they are all there.

Then comes the work of organizing the photos.  I am not looking forward to that.  I need to find a system that is makes them easy to find, as well as eliminating duplicates.  It is gonna take some googling to discover the best way.

Boy do I have my work cut out for me.

At least I have today to work on it.