Monday, March 3, 2014

An Unexpected Snow Day brings a bit of organization...

Today was an Unexpected Snow Day.  This makes me a little sad since no work equals no pay, but also a little relieved.  You see, yesterday I started a HUGE project of backing up all of my photos and music.  Which led to the even bigger task of reformatting the computer.  But first I had to back everything from 3 portable hard drives up, then make sure I had everything on the computer, then reformat the hard drives and re copy the data on to them.  But that was a task in and of itself.  I have 87 gigs of pictures... 10 gigs of get the idea... and the portable hard drives are 500g, 100g, and 20g... shouldn't be a problem... until I find out that the 500g hard drive needs a firmware update... and you have to have your data backed up.  So I started over.  Now my pictures and documents are on the 100g drive, and the 20g drive is full of downloads, videos, and music.

Now I will do the firmware update to my 500g Western Digital Passport drive. And backup the computer to it once it is done... then reformat the computer... and put the data from the two smaller drives back on the computer, then retrieve the backup from the Passport drive and make sure that they are all there.

Then comes the work of organizing the photos.  I am not looking forward to that.  I need to find a system that is makes them easy to find, as well as eliminating duplicates.  It is gonna take some googling to discover the best way.

Boy do I have my work cut out for me.

At least I have today to work on it.

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