Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So this is what my 3 year old has done almost everynight since recieving his Innotab 2S.  I really love that he loves it so much.  One night as he was laying in bed playing with it (well, watching movies Daddy put on there for him) he even spontaneously told us he loved us.  Actually it was "Mommy Daddy Seth Loves"  but we knew what he meant.  I began to worry that he might break it and since he loves it soooooo much I have been checking every store I can think of for the case that Vtech makes for it.  Unfortunately it is sold out of everywhere and I am impatient.  I remembered THIS PIN on a DIY Ipad case and thought I could do it.

I gathered some of my kids books that they tore up.  Well, all their books are tore up, but these 2 were the most tore up with the sturdiest covers.
I measured 2 panels like a front and back cover and 1 spine.  I just used the innotab 2 as a reference, no specific measurements.
 My 11 year old is really rough on his pants, and I had stashed these aside after he TOTALLY blew out one whole leg from the knee all the way down.  I really like denim and figured I would use it someday.  So I cut up the inseam to open them up.
I opened them up so that I would have a large enough area of flat material to work with.
 I broke out the iron and the spray starch for the first time in at least 3 years and ironed and starched the pants front and back since you know how denim gets all wrinkly if you don't fold it right out of the dryer.
 After I ironed and starched them, I decided on which area I wanted to be the 'outside' of the case and used spray adhesive to stick the pieces down (remember the outside should be facing out....)  I left a smidgen of room between each of the 3 pieces so that the thing would close.
I folded the excess over and stuck it down with even more spray adhesive and used clothes pins to hold it in place.
 I cut pieces from another book that were a bit smaller than the cover pieces I just covered.  These are for the 'lining' of the case.  I eyeballed some elastic strips to be corner loops to actually hold the tabtop in.
I used more spray adhesive to hold the loops in place on the back side only.
 I forgot to take pictures of covering the inside panels, but it's just an old baby tshirt that the kids can't wear anymore.  And I covered it the same way as the cover.  The only difference was cutting the holes in the tshirting for the elastic loops to go thru for the spine side of the loops.  Then I glued the whole kit and kaboodle together in a stack....
 This is the outside of the case.
And this is the inside while the innotab 2 is in there.

And since I love denim so much and hated to waste it, I cut the pocket from the other side of the jeans and used the spray adhesive to stick it down on the inside cover.

So that was my craft project for the week.  If I had to do it differently, I would have used an adult sized pair of pants so that I would have more room to work with.  I have some bulky edges because of the seams in the blue jeans.  A bigger butt area of blue jeans would have given me less seams to have to fold over.  But over all, I like it.  And it will do the trick for Seth's TabTop.  

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