Friday, February 22, 2013

An unexpected snow day gave me time to make the Arrow!

We had the good graces of having a snow day Thursday and Friday.  We had a really bad snow storm moving thru the area that was slated to hit Thursday morning.  School got called Wednesday night for the following day.

I have no idea why people complain so much about snow days.  I should have every reason to bitch, since there is no pay for me if I don't have kids to drive to school.  I am just sick to death of people living in their own insular little worlds that because they live 1/2 block from the school and they can get their kids there then everyone else should have to go to school.


There are alot more streets than yours in a school district.  It has to be safe for ALL OF THEM to get to school.

But I digress, I decided to take advantage of the day off of work and get some errands done.  The storm wasn't supposed to hit until around noon and at 930 I headed out with the 2 oldest kids to go to the Scout Shop to get the uniforms they were gonna need for their upcoming transition into Boyscouting from CubScouting.  $200 later, we headed home.  And the weather had hit.  Not only did it take me an hour to get home when it should have only taken 15 minutes, People were driving like clowns.  (to steal a favorite phrase of my dad's)

I got to sewing and managed to get all the required insignia on both of the boys uniforms.  Then I turned my attention to the Career Arrow Kit I purchased for my son earning the Arrow of Light.  (I had really wanted to make on, but ran out of time)  My snow day turned out to be a blessing.

I planned out how I was going to stripe the shaft (and had to leave stuff off because I ran out of room!)
I ended up using black for a background, and white for the arrow of light, green stripes for each webelos pin he earned, red white and blue for his national good turn, purple and white for the world conservation, dark blue for the webelos rank, silver and gold for the corresponding arrow points, baby blue for bear, red for wolf, orange for tiger, yellow for bobcat, green and brown for leave no trace, and tan for the outdoor activity award.

I think it turned out pretty cool, the only thing I still want to do is get silver pony beads for all the beltloops he earned and thread those onto the eagle feathers.  But they were out of them so I guess it will have to wait!

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