Wednesday, January 2, 2013

a lazy day and a rant about the economy

After feeling like I finally got something accomplished yesterday, I flopped today.  I spent the entire day playing around on the internet and being reflective.  So many mixed thoughts are zooming around in my head.  Maybe this year will be my year.  I guess I need to check with FlyLady and see what my mission for tommorrow is.  Or maybe even get off my butt and shine my sink tonight.  I guess so that I will keep on my getting things cleaned and organized mission for the year, I should find something simple to do.  Like cleaning the papers off of my fridge and the 3 clipboards hanging on my wall next to my dry erase calendar.  That ought to be a fast one.  And should make a difference.  Now if I could only get the motivation up to do it.

On another note, my aunt just called and told me about a house that is a 5 bedroom with a basement and 1.5 baths for sale for 48xxx and it's not too far away, and wouldn't be a bad change in schools for my kids.  If only I had the credit for a home loan.  But then I would have bought the house I love that used to be a daycare and is NO change of schools for the kids and is only 38xxx.  At least it's still on the market.

I can honestly say that I hate this economy.  After 2 years of drawing unemployment, I am blessed with a GOOD JOB.  And I am grateful everyday that I do have a job.  I wish it was more hours, but I am still low on the seniority list.  But I hope the crappy housing market hangs on until I have my credit sufficiently repaired to obtain a home loan.  The deals in my neighborhood are just too fantastic to pass up.

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