Sunday, January 6, 2013

Weekly Wrapup and a birthday gift

I didn't get much accomplished yesterday, aside from looking everywhere for some hair chalks for my Neice's 14th birthday today.  I know she will love them, and I will still be the cool aunt.  I mean who wouldn't love wild hair color (it washes out easily so her mom will be happy too).  I found THESE hair chalks listed online and that is what gave me the idea.  A bit of google searching and I discovered that they are available at Beauty Brands.  There is a Beauty Brands store close to me, so off I went.
When I got to the store, the clerks had no idea what I was talking about.  Even better, they asked the stylists in their trendy onsite salon and none of them had ever heard of hair chalks.  Seriously?  A fat uncool soccer mom like myself knew about something before them?  Not Good.  So I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and they had a different brand but at a much better price than the $12.50 that the other chalks were.  I got Beyond the Zone Color BUZZ for $5.99 each on sale.  She got pink, blue, purple, and red (because the only other color was orange, and orange is kinda a crappy color.
Beyond the Zone Color Buzz hair chalks.  Isn't the giftbag sweet?  It was a Michael's fun find for just $1.50!

We are supposed to be heading over to my sister's house later tonight to have cupcakes and celebrate.  Should be there around 4 or so (since tomorrow is the first school day back after a LOOOOOOOONG 2 week winter vacation it has to be an early night)  I hope she likes them.

Overall, this week hasn't been too bad.  I have:
  1. made Seth a cover for his Innotab
  2. taken all the Christmas stuff down
  3. tagged all of my MP3's correctly (and had to add music to the kids MP3 players)
  4. started and kinda fizzled on the FLYLADY system.
Seems like I should have gotten a lot more done after looking at the list of the major stuff. 
I have a ton of household chores to get done today to get us all back on track from the winter vacation, and a few ideas about what I should work on this week.  So far on my upcoming to do list for the week:  organize my photo collection, backup all of the photos and music onto my backup hard drives, clean out my purse/driver bag and restock it with the stuff I need while I drive, weed out some baby toys from my living room, get some storage cubes for the bookshelf to organize the kids toys, try once again to organize the laundry room, and of course some kind of craft project.  
I haven't figured out what my craft project for the week will be yet, but I do know that my scrapbook page for the week will be of my Great Grandfather Andrew Mavros.  

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