Thursday, January 24, 2013

Teach your kids some RESPECT!

So I really wish parents would teach their kids a little respect.  Just a little.  Because a little goes a long way.  On my new route I have a middle school.  And it is the common knowledge of all bus drivers that middle schools are the work of the devil.  These kids got so angry that I was driving the bus route home the way the transportation department laid it out (instead of the 'shortcuts' that they wanted me to take) that I was called a BITCH, a FAT WHITE HO, and about a dozen other nasty names.  I started by telling them I was going to drive it the way the route sheet dictated.  That is when the name calling started.  Then I had to pull the bus over and inform them in no uncertain terms that I was not going to be called a BITCH and that they would have some RESPECT... respect for the bus, for themselves, for other people, and for the neighborhood.
One little girl said she wished she would have recorded my little rant.  But sure enough I asked the kids if we were clear, and wouldn't leave until I got a yes Ma'am.  (it took a little prodding).  But the very next day, the kids were polite and behaved much better.  Maybe they were only trying me, but really folks, raise your kids better than that.  Teach them to be appalled at NOT treating others with respect.  It would make the world a nicer place.

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